Over 200 people recently gathered for the 2013 Georgia Peanut Tour (GPT) hosted by the Georgia Peanut Commission. UF/IFAS Extension Madison County Agent Dan Fenneman and I spent the day traveling through South Georgia and into North Florida with the GPT. We had opportunities to visit Georgia farms, shelling plants, and buying points. Mr. Fenneman welcomed the participants to Madison County, Florida where we toured the Lee Peanut Farms/Birdsong Peanut buying point. They also traveled to the farm fields to see peanuts being grown.
The participants on the tour were from all areas, with a large number from Argentina and other South American countries. I learned many participants were involved in the food manufacturing industry including several participants from Canada. Below is a very brief video of a few things we saw on the second day of the GPT.
WCTV Tallahassee was also on-hand and posted a story on their website. WCTV GEORGIA PEANUT TOUR